Dispatches from the Empire


Opportunity Econophysics: Opportunity Cones, Conscious Agents, and Mechanical Traces of the Conscious Dimension

The quest to capture mechanical traces of consciousness within spatiomatter presents a compelling challenge. By leveraging advanced technologies, such as mobile devices equipped with sensors, we have the potential to gather immense volumes of data from billions of participants. Through data analysis, we aim to uncover patterns, correlations, and anomalies that may reveal the influence of consciousness on the physical realm. The development of novel workflows and data processing techniques enables us to navigate this vast ocean of information, inching closer to capturing the elusive traces of consciousness within spatiomatter.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, cribbing liberally from my favorite comedian: free will is a cognitive distortion made to compartmentalize chaos.

As we traverse this fascinating territory, we inch closer to unraveling the fundamental nature of consciousness, empowering us to forge new paths in resource management, decision-making, and the pursuit of a more harmonious and prosperous future.

“Harmonious” and “prosperous” are doing a lot of work in that sentence.

Overall? Fascinating.