Dispatches from the Empire


Freed Palestinians Were Mostly Young and Not Convicted of Crimes

Israel detained all of the people on the list for what it said were offenses related to Israel’s security, from throwing stones to more serious accusations like supporting terrorism and attempted murder. More than half of the cases were being prosecuted in Israeli military courts, which try Palestinians in the occupied West Bank but not Israeli settlers who live there.

Nearly all Palestinians tried in Israeli military courts are convicted, and those accused of security offenses can be imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial.

Those that know me know my allegiances. I moved to the Middle East many years ago because I was pro-individual rights in the face of oppressive states.

When ideologically forced to choose between individual or state, I’m firmly in the camp of the former.

This article illustrates why.

I understand now, in a way I never did while living there, why a Jewish state needs to exist.

But this — the treatment of Palestinians, a state-less people — is not acceptable.

You cannot treat people like this without losing your soul, particularly when you have all the power and claim to know better.

You cannot selectively believe in human rights. You either do…or you don’t.