Dispatches from the Empire


The New Science on What Ultra-Processed Food Does to Your Brain

Scientists were surprised to find that people who had been eating the high-fat, high-sugar snack also had changes in how their brains learned.

While participants were having their brains scanned, the researchers had them do a basic learning task, requiring them to push a button associated with a picture when they heard certain tones. When people who had been eating the high-fat, high-sugar snack didn’t get the picture they expected, their brains showed greater activity in parts involved in evaluating situations. 

This high-sugar, high-fat diet “is changing something really basic about how we learn,” DiFeliceantonio said. 

In a different study, four days of having a breakfast high in saturated fat and added sugar was linked to reductions in performance on some learning and memory tests, according to researchers in Australia. People who had a healthier breakfast didn’t have the performance changes.